When someone searching for a used laptop finds your listing, a price is agreed upon. Once published, the listing is sent out over the distributed peer-to-peer network of other people using OpenBazaar. Using the OpenBazaar client (it's a software program you download, not a website), you create a product listing just as you would on eBay or Craigslist. Let's use the example from the blog in which you want to sell your old laptop. The nature of the service means there's no trove of user data for hackers to steal which has to be worth something, right?
There are no accounts to create and you only reveal as much personal information as you're comfortable sharing (or that's needed for shipping purposes).
Unlike the Amazons, eBays and Alibabas of the world, OpenBazaar offers a decentralized network for peer-to-peer commerce which is free of 'restrictive' policies and fees, among other things.Īs explained on the OpenBazaar blog, the service eliminates a centralized entity and puts buyers and sellers in direct contact with each other. A new e-commerce platform known as OpenBazaar has exited its extended test phase and is open for business.